Get financial support
The HOOP matchmaking is a tool for both project developers and investors to get in contact in order to mobilise green financing and funding for the implementation of Urban Circular Bioeconomy (UCBE) projects, also contributing to assess and improve the maturity and bankability of the projects.
By filling the below form with a basic information, the HOOP experts will review the project proposal in order to get back to you to find the investors and funding mechanisms that better match the type of project.
Submit your project
1. Organisation information
Indicate the name of the organisation(s) involved in the implementation of the project (e.g., private companies, Municipalities, etc.).
Indicate the website(s) of each organisation mentioned before.
The leading organisation(s) should be responsible for the development of project, i.e., the Promoter. Please add a short description of the organisation.
2. Contact person
3. Project description
Name of the city(ies) or region(s) involved in the project.
Provide a short description of the project
If there is no advanced information regarding the project’s timeline, you may include the expected month and/or year when the project implementation will be initiated.
4. Type of waste and investment activity
Type(s) of waste
Select, if applicable, the typology(ies) of waste considered to valorisation in the project.
Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste collected separately
Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste from the mixed waste
Food waste
Garden and park waste
Post-consumer wood waste
Wastewater sludge
Other (please describe)
Type(s) of investment activity
Select and specify the investment activity(ies) that the project covers.
New waste services
Bioproduct production and material valorisation processes
Buildings and infrastructures
Environmental low impact and clean technologies
Digitalisation and management platforms
Renewable energy
Energy efficiency
Clean transportation
Other (please describe)
5. Technology readiness and maturity levels
Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
Technology Readiness Level (TRL) is an index to measure the maturity and usability of an evolving technology. It is used for benchmarking, risk management and funding decisions. So that decision-makers are able to figure out whether and when to integrate (launch) a technology (product) into larger systems (markets). Please select the level more adequate, considering the maturity of the technology and process, and its state-of-art.
TRL 1 – Basic principles observed (Principles postulated and observed but no experimental proof available).
TRL 2 – Technology concept formulated (Concept and application have been formulated).
TRL 3 – Experimental proof of concept (First laboratory test completed).
TRL 4 – Technology validated in laboratory (Small scale prototype built in a laboratory environment).
TRL 5 – Technology validated in relevant environment ( Large scale prototype tested in intended environment).
TRL 6 – Technology demonstrated in relevant environment(Prototype system tested in intended environment close to expected performance).
TRL 7 – System prototype demonstration in operational environment (Demonstration operating in operational environment at pre-commercial scale).
TRL 8 – System complete and qualified (First of a kind commercial system. Manufacturing issues solved).
TRL 9 – Actual system proven in operational environment (Full commercial application, technology available for consumers).
Project Maturity Level (PML)
The Project Maturity Level (PML) model is aimed to support project developers and investors to assess which parts of their portfolio are investment-ready and which projects need further development. Please select the level more adequate. If you don’t know it, you can assess it with the
PML calculation tool
PML 1 – Potential project identified (Project or technology apparently suitable for intervention).
PML 2 – Project potential quantified.
PML 3 – Project investment estimated and suitable business models identified (Via audit, study, benchmarking, etc.).
PML 4 – Technical project and business case developed.
PML 5 – Investment-Ready (Business case and tender model confirmed).
PML 6 – Investment offer or tendering requirements created (Ready to sign or launch tender).
6. Expected Impacts
Select the indicators most suitable to the project and add the most accurate data available.
Please adapt the units to the most convenient for the project and indicate the type of bioproduct and bioenergy that will be produced in the project.
Quantity of biowaste or sludge valorised into bioproduct
Quantity of biowaste or sludge valorised into bioenergy
Bioenergy production
Bioenergy self-consumption
Installed capacity
Other production (please describe)
Avoided GHG emissions in comparison to the previous status
Temporary jobs created
Permanent jobs created
Other impacts (please describe)
7. Investment sought
Type of Investment
Select the type of investment required in the project.
Public funding (please describe)
Other (please describe)
Include the available estimation of CAPEX, Turnover and, if available, information on OPEX.
Describe the type of business model to be adopted for the project.
HOOP Consortium:
HOOP Consortium: